Nola Tran

What is your role on the team?

Communications committee & Website committee

Why I joined the team?

I wanted to learn more about engineering.

What  is your favorite part about being on Team Driven?

The Team Driven Family!

What is your experience with the team?

I’ve been on the team for three years and have worked primarily with the Chairman’s Team.

How will you benefit the team?

I try to bring a bubbly personality and fun spirit.

What are your plans after graduation?

Four Year University, four years of medical school to become a pediatrician.

How has robotics influenced your education/career choice?

My communications skills have increased.

What other activities are you involved in besides robotics?

Student Senate, Tiger Smart, Orchestra, Math club.

What is your favorite type of dinosaur?


What is your favorite type of food?

Ice Cream

What is your interesting fact/talent?

I have known I wanted to be a doctor since I was four years old.

Posted 12 years ago by Crystal Durgan on Thursday, November 8th, 2012 · Permalink

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